Saturday, 8 November 2014

Kickstarter - End of week 1

Hi Everyone!

Once again I would like to start by thanking everyone for their support, including everyone who has pledged and shared the project.

It has been a busy week in TheXLC HQ and a steep learning curve about running a Kickstarter! We never expected such a response in such a short time or the enthusiasm everyone had for our designs!

See the Kickstarter here -

Doors and Windows

We can confirm that all the designs are being re-worked as we speak to have removable windows and doors. Some of these are very simple but some are a little trickier! We have also been discussing what to do about the inside surfaces. Some are already printed on both sides so we will have a simple printed texture for the inside. For the ones that are only printed on the outside we will, at a minimum, colour them grey to roughly match the exterior. As we progress with this we will keep you updated.

Stretch Goal 1

We have finalised the design for the gates and are please to present the final piece!

We will be adding this as a pledge on its own at £12, but if you have pledged for anything that includes the security walls pack we will include the gates for an extra £8. Just increase your pledge accordingly and we will request the pledge details at the end.

At the time of writing we only have £809 to go to stretch goal 1!

We are still looking for stretch goal 2 so keep the ideas coming!

Thank you again for all your continued support,


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