Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Stretch Goal 1 - £5000 - UNLOCKED!

Stretch Goal 1 - £5000 - UNLOCKED! 

 Our first stretch goal has been reached! You can now add the Security gates to any pledge that includes the security walls for £8 (just increase your pledge and we will collect the details at the end). If you want just the gates you can get them as a pledge on their own for £12. 
 BONUS - The gates will be included FOR FREE with pledges for the "MILITARY PACK" and "COMPLETE SET"! This will happen automatically, no need to do anything!

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Kickstarter - End of week 1

Hi Everyone!

Once again I would like to start by thanking everyone for their support, including everyone who has pledged and shared the project.

It has been a busy week in TheXLC HQ and a steep learning curve about running a Kickstarter! We never expected such a response in such a short time or the enthusiasm everyone had for our designs!

See the Kickstarter here -

Doors and Windows

We can confirm that all the designs are being re-worked as we speak to have removable windows and doors. Some of these are very simple but some are a little trickier! We have also been discussing what to do about the inside surfaces. Some are already printed on both sides so we will have a simple printed texture for the inside. For the ones that are only printed on the outside we will, at a minimum, colour them grey to roughly match the exterior. As we progress with this we will keep you updated.

Stretch Goal 1

We have finalised the design for the gates and are please to present the final piece!

We will be adding this as a pledge on its own at £12, but if you have pledged for anything that includes the security walls pack we will include the gates for an extra £8. Just increase your pledge accordingly and we will request the pledge details at the end.

At the time of writing we only have £809 to go to stretch goal 1!

We are still looking for stretch goal 2 so keep the ideas coming!

Thank you again for all your continued support,


Monday, 3 November 2014

Kickstarter Live!

We have finally launched our first Kickstarter!

Wargame terrain you can just stick together and use! A Robust, quick and awesome way to set up your table.

Love gaming but hate painting? Don’t have the time to put together fiddly terrain and painstakingly detail your buildings? We have the solution! Hooray!! The XLCs new range of 28mm pre-printed buildings are simple to assemble and will make your table look awesome...if we do say so ourselves!

Our terrain comes pre-printed and ready to assemble. We even include the glue. Each design is laser cut from printed 3mm MDF, all you need to do is peel off the protective backing and glue together. That’s it!

To make this product possible we have developed a technique whereby we can print onto a substrate, laminate to a 3mm MDF panel, apply a protective covering and then laser cut. This allows us to produce precision cut, printed components without scorching to any of the printed surfaces.

We have the equipment, we have the designs and we have already produced a small initial production run. What we need now is to buy in the material in bulk to enable us to supply the items at a competitive cost. If this Kickstarter is successful we plan to expand on the range with different designs and themes and eventually bring it to a wider market.

We have also decided to offer you the opportunity to suggest what our stretch goals should be so drop a message or comment and we will pick the stretch goals from the suggestions!

We need you!! Help us achieve our goal by pledging now!

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Kickstarter Countdown!

Over the last few weeks we have been perfecting a range of terrain for our first Kickstarter!

All our terrain is made from pre printed MDF and comes printed ready to assemble. No need to paint, we even include the glue!

We should have everything ready to go on Kickstarter in the next week or so but in the meantime heres a sneak peak of what will be going up.

Sunday, 22 June 2014


One weekend I decided I wanted to field a Stompa with my 40k Ork army. Rather than buy one I spotted an old PC and the PC Motherboard Stompa was born!

After a lot of chopping and glueing and swearing the monstrosity you see below was born. I think it suits the Orky tech ideal. Everyone in the office particularly likes his massive thermopile generator backside!

More pics after the jump!

Friday, 20 June 2014

New products!

After a very long time waiting we are now releasing our newest kit!

As a change from our previous sets we have created a Gothic Modular Ruins kit that can be assembled in any way you would like!

1 Kit

Half a kit

Half a kit

Half a kit

2 Kits

It is now available to purchase from as ell as our ebay shop linked above.

This set is designed to be assembled however you would like. You can create low walls, towers, rooms or anything else you can think of! This is also compatible with our other modular sets.

The kit contains one set of parts comprising 6 Walls, 8 Ruined Walls, 2 Floors, 4 Ruined floors,
2 Doors and 96 Assorted Connector pieces. This is enough to create one of the towers with the 2 door sections or two of the smaller buildings, or something entirely different!

Each section is 3 inches square.

We will be releasing further variations on these sets with more components and in different styles over the coming weeks.

To celebrate finally releasing this kit we are planning to get 5 sets, 2 of which will be a set we haven't released yet, we are building a huge cathedral piece for our gaming table! This should be pretty impressive when it is finished. We will be posting updates on facebook as they occur.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Prototype storage

Version 0.000001 of our storage / display / transport system currently in development. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Whirlwind MK1 Rhino Conversion

My Whirlwind converted with a scratch built turret from an old, pretty knackered, MK1 (MKI) Rhino, which had been badly converted to Predator (the hull sides were not level so it rocked about 10mm up and down front left to back right!) and eventually purchased by my friend Kev as a job lot on ebay. He then butchered it to use the predator parts so what I had was in a pretty sad state!.

Monday, 13 January 2014


The XLC is a company set up by myself to primarily supply laser cutting to the print industry, but it wasn't long before we had started to branch out in to other materials and services!

One of the things we started to produce quite early on was wargame terrain for myself and some friends. After a while I got organised and started to prepare actual kits and sell them via ebay. As time went on I designed more and more pieces until it was decided that we should actually do something with these designs and The XLC Wargame Terrain came in to being.

Over the coming months we have plans to release new pieces, launch a Kickstarter for a particularly large item and generally focus on making models and terrain, because after all, its a lot more fun than real work!

To get you interested here are a few pieces we have built recently: